Dan's Personal Mission Statement
Why have a mission statement?
- It serves as a "distillation of fundamental values, principles, and major life purpose."
- It provides a basis for decision-making, life-directing decisions and "true north" daily
decisions amidst the cacophony of circumstances and emotions.
- A mission statement is a lighthouse in the fog.
It enables us to travel in faith that we are headed in the right direction,
even when the path immediately ahead is obscure.
- It helps -- when you tackle a new project -- to "Begin with the end in mind."
Who says?
Lots of people! I was first introduced to this idea by Stephen Covey's
1989 bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
My Personal Mission Statement
These are my values, the things that matter most to me,
to which I devote my energy and resources and seek to create and support with my highest integrity
and love:
- Cherish and nourish my family, especially children and partners.
- Stay fit and healthy.
- Make, share and enjoy art, especially my music.
- Cultivate and promote my health-tech vision.
- Support and participate in my local community.
- Be gentle on and protective of the planet and nature.
- Savor a thriving and expansive life, place of residence, travel and adventure.
Here are three that in retirement have dropped from the list... Gone but not forgotten:
- Be entrepreneurial: create services, products and companies.
- Advance and humanize technology.
- Provide compassionate and competent patient care.
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