HTML Authoring for the Web

Accelerated Technical Training


In this course, you learn by doing. In a series of hands-on exercises, you acquire the basics of Web page authoring.

In the first exercise, you build a simple Web page. As the course progresses, you apply more techniques and the simple page grows. You add paragraphs, lists, horizontal rules, font changes, hyperlinks, images, and special characters. Techniques for adapting existing ("legacy") documents are practiced. You also learn to leverage from the source code of documents already on the Web.

In addition to the practical skills listed above, you learn the underlying concepts of the Web: the role of the author and of the Webmaster, strategies for authoring (using specialized HTML tools, converting from native word processor formats, writing raw HTML), and new paradigms for non-linear media.


4 hours



  • Emphasis on practical skills
  • Hands-on
  • Classroom-based and instructor-led


  • This course is for you if you use a networked computer, you need to deliver information to others, and are motivated to learn a new language, HTML.
  • Prerequisites

    Check the ones your background satisfies:
    You know how to use a browser, e.g. Netscape.
    You have "surfed the Web."
    You have a networked machine.
    You have access to a server or server administrator (Webmaster).
    You can edit a text file (with notepad, vi, etc.)
    If you checked 4 or more, you're well-equipped to take this class.


    Chapter 1: Housekeeping

    Chapter 2: Strategies for Web Authoring

    Chapter 3: Your Home Page, Version 1 -- Writing and Maintaining HTML

    Chapter 4: Your Home Page, Version 2 -- Paragraphs and Lists

    Chapter 5: Your Home Page, Version 3 -- Hyperlinks

    Chapter 6: Your Home Page, Version 4 -- Graphics

    Chapter 7: Dealing with Legacy Documents

    Chapter 8: Putting It All Together


      Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
      • Create your own home page.
      • Create a home page for your group.
      • Deliver information via the World Wide Web (WWW).
      • Organize information for hypertext presentation.
      • Translate your design into HTML markup.
      • Use a variety of HTML tags.
      • Incorporate images into your pages.
      • Use URLs to reference documents on remote servers.
      • Adapt existing documents for Web delivery.
      • View and analyze others' HTML pages.
      • Consider HTML editors and translators such as Netscape Composer and Microsoft Front Page.
      • Be ready to learn advanced HTML features.


    1. Emphasis on practical skills and real-life issues
    2. Lots of hands-on -- learn by discovery
    3. Get started quickly!
    4. Setup

      Delivery of this class requires:
      • Classroom
      • A data projector
      • A PC or workstation for each student
      • A PC or workstation for the instructor
      • Connection to the internet
      • Detailed system configuration instructions are available at
      Write to us!
      Updated Wednesday, 31-Oct-2001 13:18:39 MST

      Copyright © DKTS
      Dan Keller Technical Services
      4500 19th St., San Francisco
      California, USA 94114
      voice: 415 / 861-4500