3.5 instructor-led classroom-based hands-on This course is for corporate intranet and Internet users who want to use the Web productively. You have basic computer usage skills (suggested but not required) You have a networked computer and a browser.

Surfing the Web is easy -- click on a hyperlink and away you go. But there's more to the Web than surfing; Web pages are no longer the only type of data the Web can deliver. Using the Web's more advanced features and knowing what to do when things go wrong demand more extensive skills. This course imparts these skills, explains the mechanisms beneath, and provides the expertise to be a resourceful and respectful net citizen.

Use the Web effectively Navigate the World Wide Web Use Internet services: FTP, searchers, netnews Customize and troubleshoot your browser Use network resources wisely Create a basic home page classroom overhead projector a PC or workstation for each student a PC or workstation for the instructor a data projector for the instructor's computer workbook on-site in your company's classroom, anywhere in the world Travel outside the San Francisco Bay Area requires reimbursement of the instructor's travel expense.