January 2021 -- Huge-Scale Vaccination Program, San Mateo County

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Spectacular logistical triumph by my new employer, San Mateo County Health Department's Coronavirus program: 3000 cars/day processed in drive-through vaccinations.

Ours is the first California county to get such a program into operation (San Diego is #2).

Each occupant briefly rolls down their window, gets the Covid shot, proceeds to 15-minute pause to make sure of no adverse reaction, and done.

Sounds simple... not! Logistical challenges include managing signups (online), confirming identities, managing materials (ultra-cold freezers store vaccines), tracking who's received what (the Moderna vaccine, in our case) and when they are to receive the booster (after 4 weeks), and managing the huge facility (San Mateo Event Center).

My tiny role (job title: Clinical Nurse Informatics Educator) was IT support. And as a healthcare provider I, too, got the shot. Hurray!


-- Dan Keller, Jan. 12, 2021
