Webmaster Setup Instructions for HTML Authoring, Part II

To the Classroom Webmaster --

Here are our httpd webserver configuration requirements. By design, they are pretty standard.

Webserver setup as described here is necessary for our labs, exercises, and demos to work.

Many thanks for your cooperation!

User config:
Each student must have the capability of uploading files to the webserver's document tree. This could be accomplished in any of a variety of ways, e.g.:
  • by granting permission to user account(s) for students to upload files by ftp
  • by remote mounting the server's document tree as a file system (or network drive) on each student's desktop machine

Server-side includes:
(Also termed server-parsed HTML.) These must be enabled. We use them a lot. Here is Microsoft's documentation on how to setup IIS to SSI, excerpted from their Knowledge Base.

CGI policy:
This is the crucial part. The webserver must be configured to execute as CGI scripts any executable file with the filename extension ".cgi" or ".pl". Either extension (or both) is ok; just let us know which one you choose.

Script execution:
A Perl interpreter or a Unix-style shell must be installed for running scripts from httpd. Either is ok; just let us know which.

Creating CGI scripts:
Configuration of webservers can enable creation of student CGI scripts in various ways. On a Unix-based webserver, it's usually easiest to let students create these scripts with a particular filename extension (e.g. ".cgi") in their personal document trees (usually a directory named "public_html" immediately beneath their home directories. Thus, a script named, say, doit.cgi, in the student's public_html directory (or in a sub-directory thereof) would be invoked as http://serverName/~studentUserID/doit.cgi.

For a Unix-based webserver:
Configuration is done by editing its srm.conf and access.conf files. Then restart the webserver.

For IIS on NT:
  • NT 4.0 Server (not Workstation) is best.
  • Make sure that TCP/IP is installed. Obtain a static IP address from the network administrator or ask the network administrator to reserve your IP address through a DHCP Server.
  • Make sure that this IP address is in the company's DNS host tables. If it isn't, ask a network administrator to add it.
  • Install MS IIS. Make sure that both its web server and its ftp server components are installed.
  • FTP Configuration:
    • Deselect "allow only anonymous connections."
    • Change the home ftp root to match the home web root directory, which is c:\inetpub\wwwroot by default
    • Allow read and write to the ftp root directory.
  • IIS document tree (web root) -- allow both read and execute in this directory.
  • To enable students to upload files to the webserver machine, create a user ID in NT, e.g. "training". Make sure this user has permission to create and modify files in the webserver's document tree.
  • Install Service Pack 3. Do this after installing IIS. It updates both IIS and NT 4.0. The Service Pack must be reinstalled after any part of the NT operating system is installed or upgraded.
  • Install a Win32 Perl interpreter. It can be downloaded from ActiveState.
  • Edit the registry as described below.
  • Stop and restart the Web service after any registry changes have been made.
Registry Key Value
Set to 0x1 (type is REG_DWORD)
Set to .htm (default is .stm)
set to .htm (REG_SZ, No string required.)
Edit menu: add value, data type REG_SZ.
Type the filename extension used for Perl scripts (.pl or .cgi).
In the string editor, enter the full pathname of the Perl interpreter, followed by %s %s, e.g.:
C:\Program Files\Perl\bin\perl.exe %s %s

We hope this makes sense!

Questions? Please contact us immediately!

Copyright © 2020

Dan Keller Technical Services
2248 International Blvd., Oakland
California, USA 94606
tel: 415 / 861-4500