Java Jumpstart

Accelerated Technical Training for Programmers

About this Course


Need to program in Java? This course will teach you how.

You'll learn object-oriented techniques, how to use the compiler and class libraries, how to handle exceptions, and, by the end of the second day, how to build applets.

This course gets your hands-on right away. It focuses on the practical knowledge and survival skills you need to get useful work done in the real world. It covers the essentials at an accelerated pace so you can get back to your desk as quickly as possible.


This is a Web-based class.
The training materials are at


  • Two full days.
  • Emphasis on practical skills.
  • Hands-on.
  • Instructor-led and classroom-based, with printed workbooks and on-screen (web) materials.


This course is for you if you're a programmer who wants to add Java to your repertory of languages.
You should already have some programming experience.


Check the boxes for the prerequisites you satisfy.
Experience with any C-like programming language (C, Perl, Pascal, Ada, Algol, C++, etc.)
Familiarity with programming concepts (variables, loops, statements, strings, arrays)
Knowledge of general computing concepts (compilers, operating systems, text editors)
Experience with a command-line user interface (Unix shell, DOS, VMS, etc.)
If you have checked all four, you're well-equipped to take this class!


Chapter 1: Classes and Methods
Chapter 2: Variables and Fields
Chapter 3: Doc Comments
Chapter 4: Arrays and Control Flow
Chapter 5: Inheritance
Chapter 6: The I/O Package
Chapter 7: Exceptions
Chapter 8: Packages
Chapter 9: Applets
Chapter 10: Graphical user interfaces

Classes in these packages are discussed:


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Write and run Java:
    • Compile programs using javac.
    • Run programs in the Java Virtual Machine.
    • Write Java applets.
  • Apply good object-oriented programming techniques:
    • Use classes from the core API in Java 1.1.
    • Design classes.
    • Use inheritance to extend classes.
    • Write a graphical user interface with the AWT classes.
    • Create a reusable class library using packages.
  • Use Java data structures, control flow and I/O:
    • Send output to the screen and to files.
    • Apply the correct Java syntax.
    • Handle errors using exceptions.
    • Use strings and arrays in Java.
    • Use flow control statements in Java.
  • Exploit Java's unique and advanced features:
    • Use access control to hide implementation details.
    • Understand the Java security model.
    • Document your programs with its built-in tools.


The course consists of ten chapters, each culminating in an in-depth hands-on lab. In the lab, you are given a complete -- or nearly complete -- working Java program that you modify or adapt in order to apply the principles discussed in the chapter. Thus, without having to do a lot of typing, you demonstrate that you have grasped and can use the concepts and techniques presented in the course.

The language features presented are independent for the version of the Java Development Kit (JDK). So this course is appropriate both for JDK 1.1 and 1.2.


Recommended texts for this class:

Classroom Setup

For effective delivery of this course, the classroom should be equipped with:
  • a textbook (the Arnold/Gosling book referenced above) for each student
  • a whiteboard or flipchart
  • a PC or workstation for each student (Unix, Windows 95, or Windows NT)
  • a PC or workstation for the instructor
  • a data projector for the instructor's computer
  • a web browser on each computer
  • connection to the Internet
  • any text editor
  • the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on each computer
  • the JDK documentation for the core API (via either the web or a locally mounted file system)
  • classroom system administration details


The course can be taught in your classroom, anywhere in the world. Travel outside the San Francisco Bay Area requires reimbursement of the instructor's travel expense.

Copyright © 2020

Dan Keller Technical Services
2248 International Blvd., Oakland
California, USA 94606
tel: 415 / 861-4500