Dan Keller's Essays, Screeds and Stuff


Ken Jacobs

Amedeo Castellani

John Piccoli

Giorgio Rosciglione, bassist

Ed Gong

Neil MacFarlane

Michael Schippling

Scott Blois

Jason Clark's Eulogy for Fred Lewis

Leo and Marilena

Eric and Dan: Third grade buddies... still

Turlock photo

Midas Niggard by Bruce Borcherdt

Personal History

Early Experience (Resume)

2006 was a tough year

2008 -- our year at SSS

Draft card

Kellers in Rome

The Sad Fate of Danskammer Farm

A Brief History of Dan Keller Technical Services (DKTS)

Devon Shows Us MIT

My Art


A St. Stephen's Family Returns... and Returns!

My Kids


Silicon Gulch Jazz



Diamen on Grief

Last Touch


Higher Education: Revolution Needed

Rowing for Van der Poel

MIS Memories

The Paperless Classroom

Memories of St. Stephen's

Information Science

Medical Information Science

Technical Topics

Power Surfing

Longevity of CDs as a Digital Storage Medium

Ham radio bands

Dan Keller's System of Management by To-Do List

Hotel Room Engineering


USS Lucid (MSO-458) p. 1

USS Lucid (MSO-458) p. 2

Minesweepers Being Dismantled

Prepare to Sweep Mines... by Commander Murland W. Searight

Politics and Society

America's New Religion by James Howard Kunstler

NYT: Is Litigation a Blight, or Built In? By Daphne Eviatar

Bush Hypocrite

Your Work Peak Is Earlier Than You Think - The Atlantic

Drunken Frat Boy and Other Slogans


Is Life a Sentence?


Dan Keller's Perpetually-Under-Construction Home Page

Thoughts on Retirement

Chick Flicks

Outer Age, Inner Age

Dan's Personal Mission Statement


Tasks nurses commonly do

Clinical rotations worked

Ann Farrell on nursing

Dana Ludwig on big data

Using Your Mobile/Smart Phone on the Job -- A Nursing Informatician's Perspective

An Online Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Calculator

My Nursing School Clinical Rotations Journal

Death By A Thousand Clicks -- Where Electronic Health Records Went Wrong (Kaiser Health News)

Higher Education: Revolution Needed

Eileen Blue, RN

Esther Perel

Francine Hardaway's Blog, Dec. 13, 2005

Francine Hardaway's Blog, Apr. 4, 2006

Francine Hardaway's Blog, May 15, 2007

Atul Gawande, Letting Go

Rethinking Nursing Informatics

Kaiser Patient Education -- A Proposal


Examples of How LOINC Fails Nursing

Medicare and "YouPays" -- Dan Keller's Healthcare Blog

Nurses get It Done -- FAQ

My Notes About Working at San Francisco's HIV/AIDS/HepC Nightline

Nurses and Computers

Nurses, Learn Informatics!

Who Owns Patient Data? -- Redux

Healthcare's shifting paradigms

Medical Data Requiring Special Protection

Nurses: claiming our seat at the table

Nursing Education 2.0

Should We Forgive the Youthful Bad Conduct of the Virginia Governor--and Everyone Else?

What's Hard about Nursing

Why Is Nursing Time Management Hard?

Updated Tuesday, 06-Feb-2024 19:10:24 MST